What are Reefer Containers and How Do They Work?

The name reefer is an abbreviation of ‘refrigerated container’. Reefer containers are considered integral for storing perishables and other vital cargo such as food, medicine, and vaccines. It is now possible to deliver perishables across the globe using reefer containers. At festivals or events, refrigerated containers are also used as cold storage for food and drink.

There are a few things you need to know before owning a reefer container, let’s learn more about how cold storage containers operate by acknowledging their distinguishing features, their purpose, the different types of reefer containers, and how their refrigeration systems work.

What Is a Reefer Container?

what is reefer container

A reefer container is a type of shipping container used to transport goods that need to be maintained at a cold temperature. Through insulation and powered cooling, the temperature inside the reefer can operate to ultra-low temperatures of -70°C depending on the machinery type. Typical products that are transported in a reefer container are fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, seafood, milk, and dairy products, medicines, and more.

How Does a Reefer Container Work?

how does reefer container work

Numerous things can happen during a shipment journey, including temperature changes that could result in damage to the products. A reefer container has a built-in refrigeration system that can maintain the required temperature. The purpose of the T-bar flooring in a refrigerated container is to allow cool air to circulate the cargo from the bottom up.

It’s important to remember that a reefer container’s purpose is to maintain the products at the proper temperature instead of lowering it, which means that the cargo needs to reach the desired temperature before loading onto the reefer. In some reefer containers, the cooling system uses water to help maintain the needed temperature and a drainage system that keeps water from building up. To maintain the internal temperature and humidity stable, the cooling system inside a reefer includes a control panel, along with fans, vents, insulation, and a condenser.

On a vessel, the reefer is typically wired into the power source to keep them on. A Genset also can be an alternative to provide a backup power source by mounting it on the reefer.

What to Check Before Shipping Goods with a Reefer Container?

what to check before shipping goods with a reefer container

Suppliers should be aware of the following simple steps before loading the goods into the reefer.

  1. The products should be cooled to the required temperature before loading them into reefer containers.
  2. Pay attention to the payload and its packaging. Make sure there won’t be any leaks when stored or stacked.
  3. Ensure good circulation to keep the goods fresh and clean.
  4. Ensure the inside of the reefer is adequately cleaned before loading, this prevents product spoilage from dirt.

Types of Reefer Containers

types of reefer containers

Various types of reefer containers are available on the market right now. A specific type is required depending on the cargo and efficiency load.

Some types of Refrigerated Shipping Containers are

  1. 10 feet offshore refrigerated containers.
  2. 20 feet high cube refrigerated container with side PA door
  3. 20 feet high cube refrigerated container (Carrier Primeline)
  4. 20 feet Reefer Container (Thermo King Magnum +)
  5. 20HC reefer with TK machinery
  6. 20ft reefer with Carrier Primeline
  7. 20 feet refrigerated super freezer -60°C
  8. 40 feet high cube refrigerated container shell
  9. 40 feet high cube refrigerated container with side doors
  10. 40 feet high cube cold storage complex

Reefer containers are an essential component of the global supply chain industry. They have revolutionized the way perishable goods are transported around the world, ensuring that they arrive in optimal condition.

The built-in refrigeration system and other distinguishing features of these containers allow for the safe and efficient shipment of food, medicine, and other critical products. When purchasing a reefer container, it is essential to consider the payload and packaging, ensure good circulation, and maintain proper cleaning.

As technology continues to advance, we can expect further developments in reefer container technology, making it even more efficient and effective in the future. If you are looking to purchase a shipping container for your business or project needs, Tradecorp offers a wide range of customization options and can help you find the perfect container solution at a reasonable price.

Purchasing a Conex Box

Tradecorp has a wide range of customization options for shipping containers for sale. We will help you find the perfect container solution for your business or project needs. Find a variety of types and sizes of shipping containers, from standard ones to tanks, and customizable ones. We will have them ready for you at a reasonable price. Fill out the contact form on our page and we will respond to your inquiry promptly.